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  • 16 Apr, 2024

    Jelajah Budaya Thailand: Festival Songkran

    Thailand, selain dikenal sebagai negara dengan masyarakat yang ramah dan memiliki beragam destinasi wisata, juga diketahui memiliki banyak tradisi dan kebudayaan. Salah satu festival spektakuler di Thailand adalah Festival Songkran. Tidak hanya menjadi festival air terbesar di dunia, Songkran juga merupakan sebuah perayaan Tahun Baru bagi masyarakat Thailand.


    Asal Usul dan Makna Songkran

    Songkran berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta "Sankranti." Dalam budaya...

01 Apr, 2021

Job Fair Online dengan UIN Jakarta

Pengalaman magang merupakan salah satu hal penting yang harus dimiliki sebelum terjun ke dunia kerja.

Pada 31 Maret 2021, Bright Internships diberikan kesempatan untuk mengisi acara Job Fair Online dengan Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif...

29 Mar, 2021

Career Preparation Webinar

Bright Internships and YOT Surabaya held a career preparation webinar about softskill.

On 27th March, 2021 was held career preparation webinar collaboration between Bright Internships and YOT Surabaya. Thanks to Ms. Fety from...

24 Mar, 2021

Things to Avoid to Get A Job

Talent will get you in the door, but character will keep you in the room. You need to know that there are things to avoid to get a job.

There are many things should be prepared before doing an interview. But, there are also many things to avoid...

23 Mar, 2021

Webinar Intern Series

Webinar Intern Series: Thailand Hospitality Internships

Webinar Intern Series with the theme "Expand Your Career Through Thailand Hospitality Internships" was held on March, 19th, 2021 by Bright Internships. Thanks to Ms. Yemima as the...

18 Mar, 2021

Tips Manajemen Waktu

Tips manajemen waktu diterapkan dengan tujuan agenda yang sudah disusun dapat terlaksana sebagaimana mestinya.

Tips manajemen waktu perlu diketahui dengan baik. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya kesulitan dalam mengagendakan...

17 Mar, 2021

Presentation Software Alternatives

Do you know there are many presentation software alternatives?

Does powerpoint still relevant? Power point is a great option. It's a tool to turn a boring presentation into interesting ones. The software is straightforward...

15 Mar, 2021

Top 6 Internships Destinations in Indonesia

In the 21st century, Indonesia was the most populous country in Southeast Asia and the 4th populous country in the world. This nation with over 17.000 islands consists of hundreds of ethics and thousands of culturally diverse...

09 Mar, 2021

Book Recommendation: The Art of Presenting

When you present, it is a must to construct the speech well so the audience is attentive from the very beginning. Otherwise, you will definitely lose them for the rest of the speech. It is important to understand the art of presenting, once you...

08 Mar, 2021

Soft Skill Training Webinar

A Guide for a Fascinating Presentation - Soft Skill Training

Soft skill training webinar with the theme "A Guide for a Fascinating Presentation" was held on March 5th, 2021 by Bright Internships. Thanks to Ms. Evelyn as the...

03 Mar, 2021

Pengalaman Virtual Internship

Virtual internship atau magang secara daring merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang dilakukan selama masa pandemi.

Wawan Irawan merupakan salah satu intern yang melakukan magang secara daring. Melalui QnA...

01 Mar, 2021

South Korea Virtual Internships

Virtual Internships

In a year that nobody could have planned for, we believe all those situations won’t stop you from growing your self-development! Have you ever wondered how it feels like to experience a Virtual Internships? Is it look-alike...

01 Mar, 2021

Cara Menulis Pengalaman Organisasi di Resume

Bagaimana cara menulis pengalaman organisasi di Resume?

Pengalaman organisasi merupakan salah satu yang diperlukan dalam resume jika belum memiliki pengalaman kerja. Ada banyak hal yang paling sering menjadi sebuah...

25 Feb, 2021

Top 8 Virtual Internship Industries

A virtual internship is a work experience program where the participant can enhance their skills remotely! It is very convenient especially during this pandemic time where everyone is staying home. There are some virtual internship industries...

23 Feb, 2021

Webinar Intern Series

Webinar Intern Series

Webinar Intern Series with the theme "The Perks of Being Hong Kong's Legal Intern" was held on February 19th, 2021 by Bright Internships. Thanks to Ms. Yemima and Ms. Vania Gowin as the moderator for webinar intern series...

14 Feb, 2021

Chinese New Year: Fun Facts!

Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is China's most important festival. It is time for the big families to be together. In 2021, Chinese New Year festival falls on February 12. It is the Year of the Ox according to...