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Andriani Ilham Warsono, Universitas Brawijaya - Bangkok Internship, Hospitality Industry

This internship changed me to be the person who will be needed in the kitchen, I have stronger personality. My most memorable experience during my program is working with the Australian chef. He was so grumpy, yet I got good quality improvement on my skill and knowlegde from working with him.

Chriscensia Gabrielle, RMIT University - Surabaya Internship, Logistics Industry

Having an internship before graduating has always been my goals. Bright internships has been so helpful from the beginning. They helped me to prepare the interview and build up my confidence. I am glad to be able to get this experience! thankyou

Wei Neng Chu, Deakin University - Surabaya Internship, IT Industry

I learnt a lot in building websites using HTML and CSS. I am more accustomed in making use of the coding scripts for future purposes. Overall I am satisfied with the internship.

Evan, Ottimmo International - Maldives Internship, Culinary Art

The staff service of the agency is great.

Jovaldo Sorensen, Ottimmo International - Maldives Internship, Culinary Art

Pretty good experience! Even though the company we are doing internship at is a bit understaff so most duty was given to the trainee and it was tiring - but it is a good experience for training.