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University Partnership

We provide you with a Global On-Site Expertise
and 24/7 Support to Help You & Your Students.

More than 1,000 students have benefited
from our high quality services.
Get ready to experience our worldwide programs!

University Partnership


  • Custom-Build Internship Program
    We work with you to build a customized internship program special for your students, following your academic calendar, cultural and program needs. We provide services such as Guaranteed Internship Placement, Career Preparation Training, Assistance & Mentoring, Immigration Visa Assistance, First Day of Work Induction, Learning Outcome Review, 24/7 Emergency Support, and Completion Certificate.
  • Group Career Preparation & Soft Skill Training Program
    We create a career preparation and soft skill training’s curriculum based on your University’s needs. Our training is also complimented with an Interactive Workshop, Pre-Test & Post-Test Session, and Individual Mentoring.
  • Customized Study Tour
    We organize a customized study tour designed to meet your University’s requirements. Our popular destinations are Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Bali, Jakarta, and Surabaya. Typical inclusions are Airport pick-up, Orientation, In-country Transportation, Accommodation, Meals, Tour Guides, Guest Speakers, Capstone Projects with Host Companies, Leisure Tours, Cultural Excursion, Immigration Visa Assistance and 24/7 Emergency Supports.


Lianto Darmawan - Lecturer - International Business Management, Petra Christian University

Lianto Darmawan - Lecturer - International Business Management, Petra Christian University

“In the era of rapidly changing and increasingly competitive business environment, both business people and educators would agree that the traditional seat-in class learning method is no longer sufficient. It is still important, but it needs to be complemented with a real-world experience. Most would strongly support that internship is one of the most hands-on method in order to enrich students with real-world business experience. Unfortunately having internship is only half of the story. In order to attain the maximum benefit of the internship program, students need to have deep understanding on what do they need and which internship will provide them with it. Getting accepted to the chosen company is another obstacle that they have to overcome and it is obviously not easy when you aimed to be accepted by reputable companies. The existence of organization like Bright Internships have given the students a lot of supports in order to optimize their internship experience. If you have the chance, do not hesitate to seek help on your internship. It will definitely help you to shape your better future.”

Alfira Nuarifia Handitasari - Capacity Development Officer CDC Fisipol UGM

Alfira Nuarifia Handitasari - Capacity Development Officer CDC Fisipol UGM

Satu kata yang teringat ketika berkolaborasi dan bekerjasama dengan Bright Internships yaitu profesional.

Tim Bright Internship sangat ramah dan responsif sehingga setiap kolaborasi berjalan dengan lancar, pun materi-materi yang disampaikan bermanfaat dan insightful bagi teman-teman Fisipol UGM. Semoga sukses selalu untuk tim Bright Internships!

Agustina Nurcahyanti - Kepala Biro Kerjasama dan Urusan Internasional, Unika Atma Jaya

Agustina Nurcahyanti - Kepala Biro Kerjasama dan Urusan Internasional, Unika Atma Jaya

Andai kamu adalah Founder atau CEO suatu perusahaan, pegawai dengan profil seperti apa yang kamu cari untuk ikut memajukan perusahaanmu? Jawabnya "yang berpengalaman". Dari mana datangnya pengalaman? Jawabnya "dari keberanian meningkatkan kemampuan diri dan mencoba hal baru"

Pengalaman bukan sekedar guru terbaik bagi diri kita sendiri, namun juga orang lain. Semakin kita berpengalaman, semakin kita dapat membantu orang lain. Ketika hari ini kamu dipuji sebagai yang terbaik diantara yang lain, akankah itu jaminan di hari esok?

Internship/Magang di Luar Negeri memberi pengalaman tak ternilai harganya. Upayakanlah supaya kamu bisa menjadi bagian dari pengalaman berharga itu!

Let’s work together to create the best experience for your students and our team will be guiding you from the start until the end of the process to make sure that everything goes well.

Please contact us for more information.