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06 May, 2020

How to Make a Dessert Box at Home

Easy dessert box recipe

Dessert box have been quite the hype nowadays because of the deliciousness and the simplicity of it. Dessert box is basically a cake or any form of dessert that is put in a box container and is usually eaten within the...

28 Apr, 2020

Fasting Tips while Work From Home

Fasting Tips

Fasting is identical with feeling faint, stomach sore. Its hungry and less excited because it withholds hunger and thirst. But we still have to do the activity as usual when fasting instead of being a constant because the thinking...

18 Mar, 2020

Apa Saja yang Harus Disiapkan Ketika Ingin Merantau ke Luar Negeri?

Tantangan Berada di Luar Negeri

Merantau ke luar negeri bisa jadi menyeramkan bagi yang belum pernah memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya. Jauh dari orang tua dan teman-teman dirumah bisa membuatmu berkecil hati dan takut untuk mencoba hal baru....

12 Mar, 2020

Coronavirus: Maldives on Lockdown

Maldives: What Happened?

According to New York Times and TTG, previously on 7th of March in Maldives there were 2 islands on lockdown after two of their employees got the coronavirus from Italian tourists who recently had visited Maldives and...

09 Mar, 2020

Indonesian Traditional Foods that You Must Try

Every country has their iconic foods. In Indonesia, you will see so many variants of traditional foods that is cheap and delicious. This are some sugesstions of Indonesian traditional foods that you can try when come here:


04 Mar, 2020

Berkunjung ke Australia, 5 Tempat yang Wajib Dikunjungi!

Sudah di Australia, Terus Kemana Ya?

Benua Australia merupakan benua terkecil yang ada di dunia sekaligus salah satu negara terbesar di dunia, terletak diantara Samudra Pasifik dan Hindia. Ibukota Australia, Canberra, terletak di daerah utara...

02 Mar, 2020

Menyiapkan Survival Kit

Wilayah Indonesia sangat rawan dengan bencana alam, yaitu banjir, gempa bumi, dll. Oleh karena itu, kamu harus melakukan persiapan bila tiba-tiba terjadi bencana alam. Salah satu hal yang bisa kamu lakukan adalah menyiapkan survival kit. Letakkan...

26 Feb, 2020

Tips Pencegahan Coronavirus

Coronavirus: Cara Menghindarinya Dengan Aman dan Tenang

Teman-teman Bright Interns pasti sudah banyak yang mendengar mengenai maraknya Coronavirus di Wuhan, China. Buat yang belum tau, apa sih virus Corona itu? Coronavirus adalah suatu keluarga...

24 Feb, 2020

The Best Place for Best Seafood

Our sea is very vast. Inside, there live unique sea creatures. Different places can give different seafood taste. One place can serve raw food, while others have spices in their ingredients. Some places eat fish innards, while others...

17 Jan, 2020

Menghasilkan Uang Sambil Magang, Gimana?

Magang di luar negeri merupakan pengalaman yang bermanfaat. Selain mendapat pengalaman kerja, kita juga bisa menikmati suasana negara yang kita kunjungi. Wisata kuliner, jalan-jalan, dan kenal orang asal negara...