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23 Oct, 2017

3 Best Historical Places to Visit in Surabaya

Surabaya is one of our top internship destinations in Indonesia. What to do when you want to explore the city but you are tired with mall and café?

Well, you can try something different while you are in Surabaya. As city of heroes,...

06 Sep, 2017

Cara Hidup Hemat di Luar Negeri

Hidup di luar negeri selama magang mempunyai rintangannya tersendiri. Tinggal sendiri jauh dari orang tua tentu membutuhkan kemandirian yang ekstra dibandingkan tinggal di negeri...

23 Aug, 2017

4 Surabayan Foods You MUST NOT Miss Out

Surabaya is one of the largest cities in Indonesia. As the capital of East Java province, Surabaya can be one of the best choices for an internship. One of the reasons is the culinary. Surabayan foods are well-known for their rich flavor. The...