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18 May, 2020

Reduce Forgetfullness Tips

Have you ever felt forgotten to do anything or forget what to talk about? Of course, this is very inconvenient because it delays your activities to recall. You can reduce forgetfullness in the following ways:

Avoid multitasking

If you...

15 May, 2020

How to Stay Focus

It is hard to stay focus at home

Staying focus in this pandemic time has become quite hard because of the monotonic environment. We sometimes zone out when we are doing some work or homework tasks at home. Why? Because there are tons of...

04 May, 2020

Investment Recommendation for College Student

Young age is not an obstacle for students to making money, besides the part-time, you can also set aside your money to save or invest. These investments have a variety of forms of finance and personal development. Investments are certainly made...

01 May, 2020

What You Need to Know About Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizers safety precautions

The use of hand sanitizers has increased nowadays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And because of the frequent use, hand sanitizers have become quite hard to find. Because of the rarity, people have started to...

22 Apr, 2020

What Lesson Can We Take From This Pandemic Season

The positive points we can get from this pandemic

Lately, the news and other medias have been writing things that are gloomy to most of us about this coronavirus pandemic. Reading those articles and watching that news made it really hard to...

20 Apr, 2020

Yuk Ramaikan Isi Resume Kamu

Mahasiswa pasti sudah sering mendengar kata resume. Resume adalah ringkasan riwayat diri personal yang ditunjukkan kepada perusahaan untuk bisa mengetahui keahlian kita secara singkat. Selain resume ada beberapa hal lain yang harus kamu lakukan...

13 Apr, 2020

How to Cure Cough

How to cure cough? Try effective cough method. In some cases of cough with phlegm, they have difficulty spitting up phlegm. As a result, phlegm can not be removed. This could be because the way you cough is wrong. Let's learn how to cough...

08 Apr, 2020

Medical Mask or Fabric Mask?

Which one is the better mask?

Lately we see everywhere that homemade face mask is starting to become a trend. From a simple fabric with elastic bands to bandana being worn while out in public to prevent the transmission of coronavirus from...

06 Apr, 2020

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is not easy for everyone. But there is no harm in getting used to it from the start. Do you know what is the benefits of think positively for the body?

Relieves Stress

Why do you burden yourself with stress when you can...

01 Apr, 2020

Lifehack: How To Make Your Shoes Waterproof

Lifehack makes your life easier

It has been heavy rain season in Indonesia, almost every day is pouring rain, at night, noon, or even in the morning sometimes. Yes, rain is amazing, everything is hydrated and it’s moist and we can feel that...