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30 Mar, 2020

Bored? Try to Design The Bedroom

Design the bedroom is another good idea if you are bored at home. If you need new atmosphere, you can try this to make you feel more fresh. There are several things that you can plan to buy for aesthetic room decoration like on Pinterest.

26 Mar, 2020

Things To Do Online When You’re Bored

Being online and stuck at home is actually so much fun!

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has gotten over everything on this world, it has been the worst and the first time the world has ever gotten to this kind of phase. To take matter...

23 Mar, 2020

Motivational Tips to Try When You Feeling Sad

When people are sad, they are mostly confused about what to do to overcome it. You don't need to worry, here are some motivational tips that you can try when feeling sad:

Ask your friends for help

The common way when you feel sad is go...

20 Mar, 2020

Fun Activity During Self Quarantine

The existence of this Corona outbreak causes people to do social distancing or being at home. Some countries like China, Italy, South Korea, and Indonesia have done self-quarantine to flatten the Corona curves. Do you feel bored not knowing what...

16 Mar, 2020

Tips Public Speaking

Public speaking is not as easy as we imagine. Here are some tips that you can try so you can face the audience and speak in public smoothly:

Know the Number of Audience

The basic things you must know when want to do the public speaking...

24 Feb, 2020

Mengatasi Sulit Tidur Sendiri

Sulit tidur sering disebabkan karena terlalu banyak pikiran dan gugup saat pertama kali bekerja. Ada tiga jenis gangguan tidur yaitu insomnia, gangguan pola tidur dan deprivasi tidur. Gejalanya adalah bangun terlalu dini, kesulitan tidur nyenyak...

31 Jan, 2020

4 Good Characters of Rats

Chinese New Year is a celebration of a new year based on traditional Chinese calendar.  This year, we have metal rat as our Chinese zodiac. It is said that metal rat will bring financial stability and romantic partner for most of us. As...

21 Nov, 2019

5 Common Concerns about Internship

When we want to intern, we may have hesitation. We’re afraid because we don’t know what to expect. Will we only do menial tasks? Will we get overworked? Or, will the internship meet our expectations? At this point, we can only wonder...

07 Nov, 2019

Simple Steps to Stay Focus at Work

The intern project’s deadline is tomorrow! Oh, what about another research task? Don’t forget, there’s paperwork need to be submitted at 12 P.M., too! Sometimes, we can feel overwhelmed by our internship works. But instead of...

25 Jul, 2019

Apa Sih yang Wajib Dilakukan Mahasiswa Baru?

Here comes that time of the year again. Penerimaan mahasiswa baru!

Deg-degan. Excited  Khawatir. Tidak sabar. Mungkin itu lah yang dirasakan oleh mahasiswa baru. Oke, sekarang memang...