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03 Jul, 2019

Jangan Lakukan Kesalahan Magang Ini

Kesalahan Magang Ini, Jangan Sampai Anda Lakukan

Magang merupakan salah satu sarana untuk mengenalkan dunia kerja kepada mahasiswa yang akan lulus. Banyak manfaat yang bisa didapatkan saat pelaksanaan magang. Salah satunya,...

07 Jun, 2019

Cara Mudah Beradaptasi di Lingkungan Baru

Tempat-tempat baru selalu memberikan pengalaman-pengalaman baru. Magang ke tempat yang jauh dari daerah asalmu tentu akan memberikan kesempatan besar untuk belajar hal-hal baru dengan mendapatkan langsung pengalaman kerja yang akan pastinya...

01 Apr, 2019

Introverts Guide to Networking

Introverts guide to networking by professionals

Whether you like it or not, networking is almost inevitable. This could be a scary realization if you’re an introvert. But with enough preparation and practice, you’ll soon be able to networking...

24 Jan, 2019

Say Goodbye to Awkward Small Talk Now!

Making small talk isn‘t as easy as it sounds. On the contrary, conversing with strangers can be stilted and even painful. Small talk makes so many of us feel like a fraud and yet it’s extremely important in life.

Does the thought of small...

15 Jan, 2019

New Year Resolution: Break Procrastination Habit

The start of New Year seems to encourage people to create new habit, or break with old habit. One bad habit that most people adopt is procrastinating. It may feel good to just veg out and binge watch TV or play games while avoiding an English...

02 Jan, 2019

5 Things College Students Must Start Doing Right Now

Happy New Year, Bright Interns!

Some of you still in holiday but there are also some of you who have already back with our routines. Wherever you’re, new semester of college is coming and you need to prepare yourself. Along with the new...

20 Dec, 2018

6 Tricks to Beat Overwhelm

Overwhelm is a type of emotional paralysis where you feel as though you’re unable to cope with or handle your circumstances. You feel as though you’re lacking control, which leads to indecision.

It’s a horrible feeling being overwhelmed by...

10 Dec, 2018

Have You Accomplished Your Internship Goals?

So we are in December already. Some of you might have finished your internships while other may just started their internships. Even so, it is not hurt to spend some time and reflect about this: have I accomplished my internship goals?


26 Oct, 2018

Here's to an Awesome First Day of Internship!

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the internship application process and landed an awesome internship position. Now, all you have to worry about is how to make a good impression. It’s important to make a good first impression since day 1....

23 Oct, 2018

Tips Landing Internship Abroad

Internship abroad is an excellent opportunity to test your chosen industry while experiencing life in a culture that’s different from the one you’ve been living for your entire life. An internship abroad is also a strong addition to your resume,...