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26 Jun, 2018

How to Make a Good First Impression

It takes just a quick glance for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your mannerisms, and even how you...

20 Jun, 2018

6 Worst Mistakes Interns Make

Internships are like the test drive employers need before they seal the deal. So interns, this is your opportunity to show you’re a worthy hire. Show what you are capable of and what value you bring to the table. If you do it well, it can...

18 Jun, 2018

Characteristics of Good Interns, Find Yours?

You may think that the position as interns isn’t that important, but interns do have a vital role to play during the completion of your internship. To succeed the internship program, you need to have or develop certain characteristics that make...

03 Jun, 2018

How to Stop Being Perfectionist at Internship

While some people think being perfectionist is a way to get the best result, it’ actually destructive to your self-esteem. You may choose to be perfect in your internship and willing to spend extra time to reach for the best. You may find your...

01 Jun, 2018

Positive Body Language: Key to a Great First Impression

Making an impressive first impression is something that naturally anyone would want in both their social and professional life. You might have met many people who thrive on social interaction and have no problem in projecting friendliness and...

26 May, 2018

4 Habits of a Business Leader

To be able to stay on top of their game at all times, a business leader has to develop productive habits that they practice regularly. With these habits, a leader will obtain and improve the skills necessary to run a successful business. Although...

22 May, 2018

Easy Guide to Practice Problem Solving Skill

Everyone can come with a problem but not all of them can offer a solution. Problem solving isn’t a skill that we’re born with. It’s a skill that we learn over time with practice and experience. Some are better at it than others, but it’s a skill...

20 May, 2018

Tips to Minimize Nervous Habits

Some people are just having a hard time in controlling their nervous habits. The habits can be nail-biting, hair-touching, leg-shaking, fidgety fingers. They know they shouldn’t do it but they just can’t help it. While it seems like it’s not...

18 May, 2018

Handling Conflict During your Internship

People getting into argument and disagreement in the workplace are something normal. It can even be considered to be a good thing to let opinions clash from time to time as long as it is done in a civilized and respectful manner. Of course,...

11 May, 2018

Top Skills Employers Seek in an Intern

Getting an internship is a great chance to test the knowledge you have learned in the classroom by applying it into real world situations. That is why, the competitiveness of the application process should come to no surprise. To be ahead of...