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05 May, 2018

Practice Your Time Management Now!

Do you often feel like you’ve more things to do rather than the time to do it? You probably believe you don’t have enough time but that’s not the real. The real issue is how we choose to spend the time we have. Time management is a skill...

01 May, 2018

5 Easy Self-Confidence Boosting Techniques

Lacking of self-confidence is one of the things that holds yourself back from pursuing things. The worst thing of lacking self-confidence is that you’ll underestimating your own capability, and the others might do the same to you. Therefore, it’s...

28 Apr, 2018

4 Ways to Make a Great First Impression!

Do not judge a book by its cover. It is a famous saying that should always be remembered every time we meet someone new. However, we do not always have the time to get properly acquainted with everyone we meet, and our first encounter is often...

24 Apr, 2018

6 Pantangan Bagi Anak Magang

Tahukah kamu kalau anak magang juga punya pantangan? Hal tersebut mungkin terkesan sepele namun ternyata bisa jadi bumerang bagi para anak magang. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang menjadi pantangan bagi anak magang yang tidak boleh dilakukan....

20 Apr, 2018

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Conquer Your Fear of the Unknown

Taking the first step to get out of your comfort zone often requires a great deal of courage. However, getting worried about the future or being anxious when you are about to try out something new is just a part of life. To be able to move...

16 Apr, 2018

How to Boost Resume Using Social Media

How do you use your social media right now? What if we told you that your social media can be an essential tool to boost your resume?

In this era where digital marketing is on the rise, you need to consider that your social profiles is as...

13 Apr, 2018

Improve Your Presentation with These 4 Tips!

Speaking in front of an audience is often a nerve-wrecking experience. In general, the goals of every presentation are to convey your message clearly in a persuasive manner and to capture the interest of every listener.  Of course, words are not...

08 Apr, 2018

Mahasiswa, Ikuti 5 Kegiatan Ini Untuk Mempercantik CV!

Menjadi mahasiswa adalah satu momen yang paling berkesan bagi kebanyakan orang. Jika kamu seorang mahasiswa, ketahuilah kalau kamu memiliki peluang untuk memperkaya pengalaman dan juga wawasan. Hal ini dapat dimulai dengan cara sederhana yaitu...

06 Apr, 2018

4 Tips to Negotiate Better

To be able to ask for what you want and to be able to compromise are useful skills to have for any kind of situation. In business, it is almost impossible to avoid going through negotiation process, and even harder to do well in it. It takes a...

31 Mar, 2018

Learning From Failures

Life is full of ups and downs. With success, comes failures. From meaningless mistakes to catastrophic error, experiencing failures is an unavoidable fact of life. What important is the ability to bounce back from it and to learn from those...