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24 Jun, 2018

6 Internship Golden Rules

Internship experience is one of the most important steps for a successful career. One important thing you need to put in your mind is that the professional world can be very different from university life. So, it’s important that to have an understanding of some of the differences. Follow these 6 internship golden rules to help you make the most of your internship experience.


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Be punctual

Always make sure that you turn up to the office on time. Punctuality is one of the internship golden rules as it’s the first thing that your colleagues will notice about you. If you turn up late it shows that you’re not able to manage your time and are not committed enough to your internship. If you do find yourself running late, be sure to call or email to warn the office in advance.

Remember to smile

Small gestures go a long way and your colleagues will be happy to see that you appreciate your internship. Greeting everyone with a smile in the morning is a great way to start the day, and your colleagues will welcome your friendly attitude. Of course, every office is different and workplace etiquette will vary slightly from company to company, but if you remain professional and make an effort to get to know your colleagues, you are guaranteed to enjoy your experience.

Get to know your colleagues

When you are in your internship, you better not stay chained to your cubicle. Interns should try to get to know their boss, their coworkers, and other people in different departments. It is very essential to build good relationship with them during internship period. Good relations with fellow workers provide you with an opportunity to learn from them and take their advices. Plus, it helps you build up your list of professional references that can help you later in your job search.

Do your assigned tasks

When your boss asks you to submit any report or gives you a deadline, be sure to complete your work within the deadline. It is best to start working on the task as soon as your boss assigns it to you. By completing work before deadline, you can give yourself enough time to check for any mistakes. Also, you can build a good reputation in the eyes of your boss by submitting work on or before the deadline.

Show Your Reliability

Being reliable is the best way to gain confidence of your boss. Be the kind of person on whom your boss can count in tough situations. Build a relationship of trust by completing each and every task in time with great efficiency.

Send thank you notes when you leave

The rules don’t end when you’re done with the internship. The last internship golden rules that you need to know is to send thank you notes to your boss and colleagues. An internship is a mutually beneficial relationship. Both you and your colleagues can learn a lot from one another, culturally and professionally. So when you leave, it is always thoughtful to show your gratitude by leaving a nice thank you note. This is a nice way for the company to remember you, and they will definitely appreciate it.