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01 Aug, 2022

Internship in Dubai - Incredible Facts!

An internship is one of the solutions for recent graduates and early career professionals to get to know their career choice before entering the workforce.
While, one of the most excellent places for an internship is in...

23 Jun, 2022

5 Ways to Start a Desired Career Outside Your Major

Starting a desired career that is not in line with your degree is common nowadays.
Numerous degree students stress approximately their future career prospects by picking the off-base major or likely do not have many self...

07 Jun, 2022

4 Cara Menjaga Work-Life Balance

Menjaga work-life balance tidak hanya penting untuk kesehatan, tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan kreativitas karena memiliki waktu, energi, atau modal lebih untuk melakukan hal yang disenangi.
Sehingga sangat...

28 Apr, 2022

5 Techniques to Turn Your Internship into a Full-time Job

Even though internships are a way for students to gain experience and learn more about a specific career field, they are also a way for organizations to try out individuals.
Internships let a company decide how this...

13 Apr, 2022

5 Tips Magang tanpa Pengalaman

Mencari kesempatan magang untuk pertama kali adalah waktu yang paling menyenangkan. Namun, apakah bisa magang tanpa pengalaman?

Magang akan memberi pengalaman tentang bagaimana kehidupan nyata dunia...

24 Mar, 2022

3 Kota Terbaik untuk Magang di Thailand

3 Kota Terbaik untuk Magang di Thailand versi Bright Internships!

Thailand masih menjadi primadona tujuan magang di Asia bagi mahasiswa dunia. Namun, jika kalian berencana magang di Thailand dan...

18 Mar, 2022

Building an International Career Path

Karier Talks - Building an International Career Path with International Internship.

Pada tanggal 4 Maret 2022, Bright Internships dan telah sukses...

11 Feb, 2022

International Hospitality Internships

International Hospitality Internships


Bright Internships yang bekerja sama dengan Kalbis Institute, mengadakan Webinar: International Hospitality Internships yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pandangan yang lebih luas kepada mahasiswa...

20 Jan, 2022

Why Virtual Internships?

The Power of Virtual Internships

Currently, there are a lot of jobs that change their work system to be online ,known as virtual internships, due to the ongoing pandemic conditions. As job hunters, we also have to quickly adapt to these changes...

17 Jan, 2022

Why You Need A Career Advisor?

Benefit of Having A Career Training

When you want to buy a gadget, you need someone to consult or see reviews through social media like YouTube to find out about the gadget you want to buy. Or in other cases, when you want to understand more...